Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
In my opinion, if you want to hammer Alvin, or anyone else on this forum for that matter, disagreeing with his positions, challenging his facts or his lack of proof or failure to provide promised follow-up is all relevant and very much fair game. The name-calling, attempts at shaming, the personal insults and attacks on his background, his mother, his employment status, his sexual orientation or his relationship with his daughter are out of bounds in my view.
I agree with you in the general aspect of your statement. I would entirely agree with you if the above standard applied equally across the board to other people on here too. Equal action and opportunity should be across the spectrum. Wouldn’t you also agree the above style standards should apply to Alvin too? Alvin surely has his hand dirty on the above style mentioned personal attacks as well.

Alvin also hasn’t been the only one targeted on the above mentioned personal attacks on his character. So again, why the need to point out another poor Alvin moment? Poor Alvin is getting picked on again! I personally think you and others need to get a thicker skin in my view. I don’t hear Chitwood’s side complaining on here people are being mean. I am not saying it’s right, however, there is a deficiency in your argument when your only pointing out Alvin has been the only targeted or is not engaged in this type of behavior.