I wonder who the moles are? And now the Sheriff publically accuses Ben Johnson of getting daily updates on VCSO operations. Or is the Sheriff just launching baseless accusations again for free airtime? I couldn't figure out why he would challenge Ben to run against him for Sheriff... Ben would destroy Chitwoods self esteem and be the medicine needed to cure Chitwoods narcissism, and Chitwood knows this! In laments terms, Ben would win that election hands down. But then it hit me! Chitwood knows Ben is a winner, leader and certainly not a quitter. He challenged Ben to give the appearance that Ben wouldn't accept the challenge when the truth is that Ben won't quit, be manipulated or influenced by anyone. Sheriff Chitwood can wear the badge of failures he's brought a once elite agency... Fill those vacancies first and then you can add positions to the budget. Someone needs to explain to the Sheriff what the job of the council actually is and how it operates.
