So I hear there is a snake (Harris) in Special Events running to IA making false allegations on all officers and supervisors not only in the unit but outside of the unit as well. Word is he is trying to get the captain and the LT kicked out of their positions for transferring the previous Sergeant Pile! Cant trust anyone in this place !

Watch ur 6 from this snake he will hire u for a job and run to IA on you! You may be next on his list.

The card is getting old ladies and gentlemen! A slug will always be a slug. I know him from the academy and patrol. Zero from day one. Scared of his own shadow! Let's see how long he will last in special events after people find out the shit he is doing! His rookie ass should be on the streets doing his time like the rest of us not hiding in special events. When will this department get their shit together and not take rookies to specialized units.