Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Well wrong again, KV is long gone, these clowns were promoted after he left, this falls squarely on the inept leadership of the chief and CM and his golden boy ML and let us not forget Capt GA. I'm no KV fan but put the blame where it belongs. One nail in the chiefs coffin and CM is sitting back deflecting the blame, Have things really changed or gotten worse but covered up better. Two more lawsuits, one hundred grand apiece settlements without admonishments or consequences. Golden boyz strike again and the taxpayers will payout. Its the NPPD way......
The department and its state doesnt change over night. It will take years to revamp. Garrison gave everyone the gift of a fresh start. The promotions are on Morales. Lets not forget the hundreds of years of lost experience that vespia ran off or fired.. 28 alone, gone after he announced his exit.

This latest debacle is a result of the "molding" and fast tracking of the boyz that vespia built.

This will be the first public test of Garrison.. hard to rely on the vespia model of coverup and condone.. ya know routine: sacrifice the victim and/or say they were in fear of their lives. There were no needed split second decisions.

If we want to restore public trust in policing. it starts with law enforcement holding their own accountable.