Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Who, what, where?
Simple, I'll explain. So, one of the most important locations in the county. One of the most targeted locations for terrorist attacks and home grown lone wolf attacks. Having said that, from what I heard, listen to what went down. A crazed maniac plows down the security gate and enters the area where the planes park. He made his way to an electrical room and attempts to enter the passenger area armed with a knife. You have to ask yourself, "What exactly are his intentions." Question#1. Apparently, he was located by the Incident Team, I didn't even know they existed, but thank god they were there. The subject had climbed up in the ceiling trying to get to the passengers. They challenged him and he apparently dropped the knife, however when he jumped down he kicked an officer and disarmed him (this according to the herald). The officers name is in there, I don't remember it. As he was disarming the officer a sergeant, some guy named Burt (not sure if it's that maverick guy), shot the subject. Here's the hilarious part, actually not so funny, someone of importance. I was going to say stature but that would have been a lie, only main concern was, "Was he wearing his camera." That's it! Wow!!!
So because he wasn't wearing it, he's ROD and transferred. The other guy is some poor ******* canine sergeant who just happen to be there doing police work (dumb move). F police work!
"A 3-15 went out; 1 - Do you go get your camera at the station and run the risk of letting a fellow officer get killed?Question #2
Or, do you just not go so you don't get in trouble, since you don't have your camera, and possibly allow a fellow officer to get killed? Question #3
I know what I'm doing. Do you?