Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Why don't you try to make light of a DUI arrest! No big deal I was just arrested while driving drunk when I was a Marine. Now I am out arresting other drunk drivers. You make it seem like all marines get arrested. So I guess it is ok for a marine to go to jail? How did the Marine Corps respond? I wonder if any other marines applied for the job that were not arrested and charged with DUI? So the next time you find a drunk driver just take him or her home. No big deal right? The DD214 SPN code will tell the truth. Haaaa I am just a good ole country boy. They all get get DUIs and tresspass on peoples land hunting. Great choice Chief.
"Yep. Doesn't matter what they did or didn't do before they joined our department. I, as supreme leader, will vet them and determine if their experience is worthy of my department. I will not allow anyone who has any experience which exceeds mine into the department, that would shine a bad light on me. Also, if I do hire someone who finds some dirt on my department, I will find a way to eliminate them from my force too. Just as it was with me, I was annointed to continue the same old "good ole boys club" that has existed in the City of North Port for years untold. Lewis taught me all of the ways to circumvent the City Manager and to a greater extent, the City Commission. In fact, I made sure that the City Manager ensured that a City Attorney was hired that would support my agenda. And the former City Attorney would find people for the commission who would further support my agenda without question. You see, We, have dirt on them so we can control what they say and do. We have the ability to continue intervention. Until I retire with full benefits, I'm going to continue to inject my rancid, fraudulent and corrupt ways on this police force and the citizens we are supposed to serve and protect....while making a lot of bank for me and my people. Got a problem with that? Oh, well." Anyone wish to discredit this? Chief Vespia? Josh Taylor? Chris Morales? How about the folks who are fed up with this mentality and are leaving the department because of this?? Fellow officers...if we're going to have a conversation, please have your say. It's anonymous. Look at me. I'm saying it out loud. - your fellow officer