From what I've read on this thread, it appears the administration may have some favorites that are getting things that aren't deserved. The above comment is certainly correct in that everyone should be adult in the law enforcement profession. My question is... is the current administration being fair with ALL their officers? It seems like that is the underlying problem based on these comments. It also appears they have a captain being a tyrant. The chief should be all over that if it's the case. That is a good way to create mutiny, and mutiny is a CAREER KILLER. I've seen it many times and I believe you guys had a captain like that before. I also remember your agency having a vote of no confidence for this exact same situation that ended their careers and left a terrible mark on them. YOU CAN'T ORDER RESPECT. That will end your career. It must BE EARNED. You can't tell them, 'love us or you'll be gone'. Do what's right by all and not just a few. I've worked for small agencies and they can be difficult. Everything the brass does is scrutinized because in small agencies it's directly in each officers face. Now I've also read, in the above posts, a few officers there are less than reputable due to previous actions. My advice, should your admin be reading this post, is remember that your officers KNOW who did what and it can't be hidden away. Especially if you're going above and beyond for those questionable individuals. Remember that if you, as a chief, captain, or lieutenant, go to any other agency, they're going to look at the actions you took in the past. They're going to think you themselves, "if he made poor choices at a small agency, what damage can his choices do to this one?", and that is how you'll be remembered. It's never too late to tell the troops that you may have made some poor decisions, BUT you're going to do the right thing by them. But, if you say it, do it. I've met most of the officers there and you guys have acquired some real talent over the last few years, as well as some good veterans. I'll agree that you guys have a couple people that should not be in the positions they're in, or possibly even in this profession. And if an outsider knows that, then how do you think your current officers feel? Just a little helpful advice. And guys, if the brass shows they are going to fix their mistakes, give them respect for that. Good luck, stay safe, watch each other's back, and I hope your brass gets it right eventually.