I had the great experience of working for Miami Springs PD in the late 80's. At that time my supervisor was Sgt. Michael Cole and what the most ignorant person I've have ever known. I was on a call taking a report when he called me away from there while I just started talking to the complainant. I went to where he was and found him and about three other officers who had stopped a vehicle. He advised that the person they had stopped was related to my call and to arrest him for disorderly conduct. I told him where was this individual disorderly, he told me back at the call that I had been at. I ask how I could arrest someone who was disorderly if I did not witness it. He got in my face and ordered me to arrest this person, I told him if he wanted to arrest him to arrest him himself and I walked away. Later he called me into his office and started to read me the riot act. I tossed my badge at him and walked out. from the day that I started that department was f***ed up.