I think that all commissioners should pay attention to this thread and help pick a new leader that can take the city PD into the future with pride. These are the attributes I would like to see in a new police chief. Chris, Debbie?? Where ya at come on.

Not currently employed at the North Port Police Department.

Never arrested (ever and I mean ever)

Never fired or asked to resign because of a mental health issue

Has at minimum a Master in Public Administration

Has a history as a staff member in a large agency

Is a family man or woman dedicated to their spouse (or partner)

No person from inside this agency should even be considered.

Once again ----Masters Degree (from a real school), never arrested, never asked to resign, proven leadership with control over a real budget, excellent public speaking skills (so we can fire the media liaison).
Anyone who has anything weird in their background should not even be considered This needs to be a man or woman with zero ties to North Port. We need them to come in a take a look at this place with a fresh perspective.

There are already men jockeying and lobbying for the Chief Job from inside the agency. I beg and plead with you not to hire from within.

Make the changes that you promised and bring us a real proven leader. Let the hunt begin. Thanks~

I want to hear from others what they want in a New Chief.