Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I was there and yes, he most certainly did. Basically his position was that there are tons of useless arrests in Pinellas County and they are based on "butthead" deputies that get into a "pissing match" with people and use the badge to show them who is boss by arresting them when they shouldn't be arrested. But don't worry, he is going to beat it into your thick skulls to leave all of the pot smokers, assaulters, thieves and diplorbles alone. All the problems with the overcrowded jails is your fault. But McLynas shut him down and ended the meeting. I thought I was going to spew my coffee across the room when Bob realized it was McLynas he had called on to ask the next question! LMAO
Goes to show that Gualtieri is not a real LEO but a POS lawyer politician. This is also a case of a carefully staged PR move with Gualtieri kissing the azzes of the local politicians and lawyers in order to win more support for the next election when he will run for state office of some sort. This is Hillary Clinton style paid speech politics, playing it up to the audience, telling them what the want to hear. So much for his "Leading the way for a safer Pinellas" BS.