If you have paid attention since this attack occurred, you would already know that the shooter pledged his allegiance to ISIS and its leader. Not one word out of this shooters mouth cited sexual orientation as even a partial motive, even stories out there that he may have been a closet gay. Not sure how that squares with his muslim religion teachings, but I digress. Now we hear that Att Gen Lynch will release a transcript that will edit out references to ISIS. Several FBI sources have leaked to the press, that this administration has completely scrubbed any references to Islamic Terrorist Extremism. The narrative has been shifted to emphasize this event as a hate crime against gays, and gun control. This Country does have a history of violence against gays, so its not a stretch to imply that this incident was hatred inspired. but was this the case on this shooting? If not, then the rights and sympathies of Muslims and their religion, was a higher priority than the rights and sympathies of Americans. You owe it to the gay community not to be played by a political narrative that minimizes the deaths of all those innocent people. The 9/11 victims families were heavily compensated, run of the mill hate crimes never are outside of private donations. It may behoove the victims families to seek the truth.