Florida CAIR compares non-Muslims to Boko Haram and ISIS? 4/7/2015

Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Shut up...I dont believe this guy is going to shut down as a law enforement officer because of his conflicts. I know he doew not know shit, another deputy had to makw an arrest because he did not know what the f..he was doing but he is learning. He will not be in the district log..he will be put in a specialized unit soon. Have you ever taught he infiltrated CAIR...just something to think abouy.
He needs to not be hanging out with you, drunk-one ^^^ and this guy, his other boss... http://www.hassanshibly.com/

Hey Ham, (Regional Operations Director of CAIR Florida and BSO Deputy), when will you and your coworker/buddy (terrorism defender, Hizballah supporter, and acting radical Islam apologist) Hassan Shibly (Chief Executive Director CAIR Florida) be standing up for us? You know the other 98.2% of “anyone other than Muslims” in America. Now Florida CAIR, YOUR group is attacking Jews and Christians and CAIR is now touting the Crusades (1095 A.D.) and the Spanish Inquisition (1478 A.D.) propaganda? Really? CAIR is comparing non-Muslims to Timothy McVeigh, Boko Haram and ISIS. Don’t we get the same defense you offer Islam followers? Will ALL Broward citizens get a fair shake? Your silence speaks VOLUMES!