Quote Originally Posted by Truth is
It doesn't matter if 'Save Our Homes' doubled, tripled, quadrupled or not.
When an aspiring politician makes a claim that does not hold up under scrutiny, it does matter.

Quote Originally Posted by Truth is
The mere fact that the exemption 'increased at all' reduced available funds to government entities, like Delray Beach, that rely on property taxes to provide funding for services.
Ah, so at a time when property values were falling, the number of property owners was falling and the means of already overburdened taxpayers to continue to fund the ever-increasing size and price of local government was in decline, your solution was to what, raise taxes?

Quote Originally Posted by Truth is
Who cares what the amount is?
The already over-burdened taxpayers.

Quote Originally Posted by Truth is
Add to the fiscal dilemma
What fiscal dilemma?

Please, take the publicly available financial data for Delray Beach and show me a "crisis".