I am glad to see the investigators did not cave-in and find LG guilty of bullying Mock. What disturbs me is Mock's timing in filing the complaint, compared to, when the alleged comments occurred. Due to the large gap of time Mock was being bullied and the comments in a earlier article,"due to all the other allegations against the LPD, I thought I would throw his gripe at the wall, and see if it sticks."

Does that demonstrate someone who was truly threatened and damaged or a disgruntled ex-cop looking to stir the pot.

Mock says he is now seeking a potential claim against the city. What are your damages? What constitutional amendment was violated? The first! No luck there - as you were not penalized for making slanderous comments against the Chief. Going to sue LG? That would never occur because you would never breach the govt immunity threshold that is required to sue him personally.

My suggestion to you: go back to the coffee shop, tell you stories, and keep your mouth shut about things that do not pertain to you.
