To our brothers and sisters,


I'm sure you don't hear this enough but you all are a HUGE help to our agency. Myself along with plenty of others give you all of the credit in the world for dealing with everything and willing to do so on your time. I can't even begin to describe how many times the auxiliary has not only saved my rear end, but the troop and agencies rear end. I know you don't hear it enough and you should hear it on a daily basis, but thank you. When it comes down to it on the road, people don't know the difference between auxiliary and full time. Honestly, there really is no difference other then pay. You all are incredible, and if I ever wore my hat, I would say I tip my hat to you all. You're more of a brother and sister to the agency then you will ever know.

Please be careful. It's a freak show out there and we are all in this together.