In 2004, current Chief Deputy Kevin Nelson received 528 votes in the Republican Primary, losing to Ronnie Lee who went on to win the General Election and serve his second, although non-consecutive term as Sheriff.

In the 2008 primary, "Republican Candidate" Nelson received 371 Votes, losing again to Ronnie Lee and Rick Hornsby. Two days after the primary, he took out a full-paged add in the local papers, supporting the Democratic Candidate and his current "boss," Steve Whidden. In exchange for the promise of his whopping 371 votes, Nelson was brought on board as a Lieutenant under the Whidden administration until six months into the first year in office, Whidden fired then Chief Deputy Chuck Powell. (The circumstances of which are a whole other true story for some time later on.) Then, by the magic wand method of promotional assesment, Nelson was made the new Chief where he currently sits (in the dark many would add).

Since being appointed Chief, Nelson's son-in-law was hired as the Technology Manager and he just happens to be the 3rd highest paid member of the HCSO, right behind Whidden and Nelson and over all other sworn members of the agency. Next comes the new jail captain from Nelson's former agency - Collier County SO, who doesn't live in Hendry county, has no community ties and who's sole "investment" in Hendry county may consist of the occasional lunch. Of course, SW has final approval over these hires but it's apparent that he has turned over all decision making to Nelson. In essence, for 371 votes, Nelson has assumed the role of the de facto Sheriff of Hendry County and that is not what the citizens of this county voted for in 2008. The voters spoke very clearly, too bad the sheriff didn't listen.