Quote Originally Posted by veteranrookie
Quote Originally Posted by Guest
Quote Originally Posted by veteranrookie
Quote Originally Posted by Guest
Why do cops get free coffee :?:

If you and I were doctors your family would get free treatment from me, and vice versa....money is not the only thing that has value in this world.

Yeah that's right. It's called barter and when you do something for someone else there's an explicit expectation that you'll be doing something for them in return. So what do you do in return for all the free stuff the stores give you? huh? What is it that you give them in return?

What's the departments policy on accepting gratuities in the form of freebies anyway? Where do they draw the line on you getting free stuff while on duty?

I'm betting most of you would find a new store to park your cruiser out front of everyday if your current squeeze stopped giving you freebies to show their appreciation.
It's coffee, for christ sake. Not a brand new sports car, or a bag of money. Or can you not see what we're talking about perched up so high on that horse of yours? Sir, you can kiss my rebel a**
LOL, I asked a simple question. Why are you getting so indignant and evading the question? You really want to know what i see? I see you rationalizing something that you know is wrong. "It's only coffee and snacks. It's not like i'm taking cash bribes in return for giving them extra special attention during my shift, so what's the big deal?"

Your a cop. People are going to offer you free stuff to get on your good side. It's up to you to have the integritiy to insist on paying for it anyway. Instead you choose to rationalize and take advantage of your position for your own gain. What a fine public servant you are, Sir! /sarcasm