Holy ding dang!!! I think Eric Jon wears a white hat after all. Being from the Chicago area himself he knows all about Joe Batters Accardo and the Chicago Outfit. Being a reporter he probably knows the Accardo connection is the big story he’s been looking for all along. Being that he wrote a letter which is now Exhibit A in Del Fuoco vs. Robert E. O’Neill he burned the former sheriff. Being that the judge in Manatee criminal traffic case #41-2009-00621 didn’t give him a break on the “leaving the scene” thing, I’d say the gang isn’t doing him any favors.
Keep those records in a safe place Eric!!!! I don’t need to tell you that, you’re a reporter, always looking for a scoop, knowing to hand off incriminating evidence to a trusted ally in the news biz. Stay safe. Be a landlubber. Avoid the high seas.
HOORAY FOR ERIC!!! I think you may be the guy who singlehandedly brings down O.C. in Manatee.