Let me start off by congratulating Miami Springs Police as being the department with the highest pension contribution in all of south florida at 15.2% starting Oct. 1. Its is incredible, that in a time like this, the officers who risk their lives protecting this city are getting shafted by the administration they work for only because the adminstration doesn't have the courage to stand up for their officers or because they basically don't care. The administration are only looking out for themselves and those in their "circle". Not only to mention we have two PBA reps who are not on the same page in trying to resolve this pension and contract situation. It is time for the city politicians to step up to the plate and help the police officers who helped them get elected into office. We need to unite together, as one voice, and let the city officials and administrators know that we will not let them take advantage of us and that we are in this fight for the long run. As officers, we don't ask for much, just an opportunity to make a decent living and to be treated the as the other officers in other positions within the department (no favoritism).