Jansen must have posted this one!

Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Friendly
He is normal just like anyone elese. Hes a Great leader who turned around the traffic Department, Had statis 7 Has all the Traffic specs treating the customers with respect making Tampa the #1 airport in U. S .A we dont need negative people in the Dept trying to stir up trouble granted he shouldnt have done that but hey thats a real big deal? Ha ha this is 2010 its funny however lets all appreciate our jobs rather look for fault with each other oh he did that oh did your hear that so and so did that grow up it a Police Dept lets try and act professional rather than find "FUN" mean things to say about each other ,you all in the Dept are not Christians all you want to do is hurt each other thats why the moral is down all you do all day is talk bad about each other all day take a good look at yourselfs who find this funny iam sure you all have skeletins in your closet I would like you to post one so we can cruisify and put you down you all really need to grow up thats my opion think about what I really said when you go to CHURCH you need to forgive and treat people with love !