It has become clearly apparent that for the next several years the city council is planning to screw the employees at CCPD. Although the city has increased their reserves by 6 million over the past year, they continue to threaten pay and benefit cuts. They were able to increase reserves off the backs of the workers. Every week it is something different that a councilman brings up that they feel we don't deserve. They continue to threaten a 10% pay cut, take home cars, pay for our insurance, loss of retirement insurance, and doing away with the pension plan. HR continues to advertise tuition reimbursement, but they have cut funding for that as well. Councilmembers treat us with no respect and continually degrade our department; the chief is even preparing to leave because of them. They need to be reminded that they are not above the law and should be treated as everyone else. Can anyone say 10-15? The only ones who support and appreciate us are McClain, McGrail, and Donnell.

The point of this post is to give my advice to anyone looking for a career in law enforcement to not apply to work at CCPD when we start hiring again. If you are not vested and have only been here a few years, start looking at other agencies. When this council is done it will take us at least 10 years to get back to the level of pay/benefits that we should be at. Unless you are stuck with a mortgage, don't waste your career here. Get he experience and get out. Other agencies have frozen pay raises, but there are only a handful that are doing to their employees what these councilmembers are planning for us. The people who work here are among the best in law enforcement and our administration treat us better than any other agency I have seen, but how long will it be before we stop caring and this just becomes a job.

If you know of other agencies hiring please add a link to this post so that others can check it out. If you are a councilmember stay off this site, we don't need your negative comments. This is not a message of surrender, we are still going to fight.