Quote Originally Posted by Guest
Quote Originally Posted by Guest
Truth and reality: SS is highly trained and very knowledgable. He has a bad attitude because he's suffered through years of mimanagement by the likes of the current major.

The current major should have ridden into retirement YEARS ago. His leadership skills are marginal at best and his old-school mindset is holding the region back. He needs to step aside and allow some fresh blood to flow.
Well said. With good leadership our agency could be so much further ahead. Leadership starts with communication and our directors do little if any of that. Leadership calls for decisiveness. The South region Major refuses to make decisions in his own region. It's well known that he was promoted in the good 'ol boy system as thanks for staying on for 35+ years. Leadership also calls for courage. This same major turns simple citizen's complaints into IAs because he won't get involved. Integrity is another issue.

Another agency will recognise and utilize SS's talents. I wish him well.
Well ,well, well. The current Director is ex-fmp, the current south end lt. col. is ex-fmp, just what good'ol boy system is at work to keep that mismanaging Major in office??? Stop rattling your baby spoon against your high-chair, Jr. If you know of real mismanagement, or wrong doing then you need to contact the Inspector General's Office or shut up or you are just as bad or worse. Ball's in your court big mouth. we will all wait to hear about your big investigation.