I have read all of the communications on this site. I have actually been accused of writing certain messages but I think you guys know me well enough to know that I have the “Intestinal Fortitude” to sign my name behind something I write. Without slandering anyone’s name or getting involved in this tit for tat, I believe I have earned the right to add my own comments.
“Divide and Conquer”. The names and faces change but the story is still the same. Cops bashing cops! I will say that the majority of the Sweetwater Police Department has a lot of good policeman who go out there and get the job done no matter the circumstances. Unfortunately, there are some who have their own agenda and others who have forgotten where they have come from. Whether that agenda is to be seen and not heard or create chaos in hopes of diminishing the little moral that is left within the rank and file. Either way, I strongly erg you guys to stand together and unite. Many cops around the county have a bad habit of making negative statements about Sweetwater. I am always the first one to defend against the ignorance of those that listen to rumors. Yes, we have a certain reputation for doing things but I guarantee, when a county P.O. or any other agency requests a “315” and they see Sweetwater as the first to respond and take care of business, the shit talking stops and they thank GOD that Sweetwater is in the house.

There use to be a luster and swagger when we would walk in to DCJ via Ward D. They would announce us in the jail. “Sweetwater is in the house”… I would hear cops speaking under their breath stating, “Those guys are crazy”. When in reality, the ones who were making those statements were the kids that had their lunch money taken away from them in school. Be proud of your department and the men that stand next to you. Don’t let moral get worse than it already is. If you all would just unite, you would get so much more in return.

They say we are the most corrupt department in Dade County but they fail to mention that we have the fastest response time in the nation to in progress calls and for the record, Sweetwater is not the smallest agency and yes, I said “In the Nation”. The bashing of other agencies comes with the job. I am and always will be proud to call myself a Sweetwater cop! I don’t remember Sweetwater ever 39ing a cop from another agency and I have been around this city for a very long time. I have noticed an up roar and a movement from my little street corner as I drink my CC and play a game or two of dominoes. The department was not always divided. Moral is at the lowest it has ever been. Although I will say that the last few P.B.A . meetings have been more than 4 cops as opposed to meetings in the past. You guys don’t know how good you have it. If cops would just unite!

I can understand the bashing of a certain Sgt. And as entertaining as it has been, I believe we draw the line at family. His family has not done anything to you or anyone in that department. So conduct yourselves accordingly.
One last thing. I’m sure some will be tempted to comment and create an organized chaos of their own. I have a humble request. I understand that some comments that are made on this site must be made anonymous but if I become the topic a of bashing session, I request that you make yourself known.

Marcos A. Villanueva