The previous message was brought to you by "The Arian Brotherhood of Hitler."
Thanks Dolph.

It has never hit you once to think that there might be another reason why you don't make the cut?
How about doesn't work well with others for starters.
Or the most obvious of all, mentaly unable to preform the job.

I have seen this over and and over again.

You love to preach personal responcibility to others in what want and get.
You however do not apply that to your own life.
You find it easier and less demanding on yourself to blame someone or something else for your failure to reach your goals.
(People, government, business, etc)

Never, ever think of really trying to advance yourself.
That would mean you would really have to be responcible for what the results turned out to be.
What you are is what you will be unless you better yourself for real.
There is a line from the movie "Caddy Shack" that well applies to you:
"The world needs ditch diggers to."

So unless you want to be digging a hole the rest of your life get off your @ss and better yourself for real.
If not, then shut the h*ll up and keep digging our personal outhouse hole.
If you don't shut up, you are never going to get that hole dug.
All you are do is filling that hole in with the cr@p that keeps come out of your mouth.