Hey all. New to this site but I must say...it lends itself to some interesting reading. You go Scarpati and Marsha..keep up the good work!!

Having been employed by the lovely City of Choice for several years, I've learned that some things never change. Our current contract situation is just the latest in a long run of obstacles that the union body has had to face over the years. With great pride and a slight smile, it's nice to see our members FINALLY sticking together (somewhat...a 100% "no" vote would have been much better!). Personally, I've never voted "YES" for any contract despite always being fed the BS line, "OK guys- this is the best we are going to get- lets take it!" Unfortunately, our past contracts have passed with both good and bad depending on where you sat on that fence. That being said, our current contract is not bad but defintely has holes that the union body has attempted to solve. For example: A fair pay raise. An adjustment to the 25 year retirement for new employees that can't afford the 5-year buyback (currently new officers pay a 10% contribution for an 80% benefit after 25 years while the FRS gives their employees a 75% benefit after 25 years and that's with a ZERO employee contribution!) More officers not cutting back our numbers again. Better training or for most of us (any training period!!).

Bottom line- HBPD has become one of the lowest (IF NOT THE LOWEST) underpaid base salary police departments in Broward County...PERIOD!!! Look around and you will see this to be 100% accurate!! All other city police departments like Pines, Lauderhill, Davie, most recently Hollywood and also BSO, have been able to negotiate contracts during this downward economic situation. And they all got their new contracts without being forced to GIVE UP those same benefits that the City of Hallandale Beach proposed in our last face-2-face meeting. So here's the million dollar question- why can't we get a contract?

It's an insult for someone to post on this message board that we were given a "gift" of an offer when all of us know the real truth. A few have already responded to that line of BS which I applaud loudly!!! We are all aware of the current economic situation facing not only the City of Choice but our entire great country. That being said, sometimes it boils down to principal and fighting for what you believe in and not settling for less than which we deserve (that could be an entire discussion in itself on this message board as way too many good people here have sold themselves out to the Dictator...aka TM...just for a promotion or a position or for whatever reason they used to justify). Having attended many of the so-called "contract negotiations" between the City and us, one thing remains the same and has not changed. THE CITY, ELECTED OFFICIALS, AND OUR CHIEF do not support their own police department!! PERIOD!!

The evidence speaks for itself and reads like a long list of shitty toilet paper. Many of these issues have already been published on here. Our most current evidence occurred during our protest when the union members took personal time to let the general public know what's really going on in Hallandale! The facts speak for themselves: read the literature, do some research, count the number of officers Hallandale put through the police Academy in the last 2 years before this new group of 6, look at how many officers have left this agency, ask around how many officer have been denied training OVER AND OVER AGAIN because of LACK-OF-MANPOWER!!!! And whose fault is that?? The zone unit patrolman...I DON'T THINK SO!! But who suffers? I'll give you the answer....that same officer! However, certain officers, Sergeants, and staff find a way to get approved time off for their schools & training...makes you go HYMM?? Do I smell favortism?? No...that does not occur in Hallandale right?? That's a direct violation of those General Orders that govern our every action.

So what do we do? I'll give you the direct answer. 1) Come to work and do your job with integrity 2) Stand together and fight the City Commission, City Manager, Chief of Police and anyone else that gets in our way because this is OUR CONTRACT, OUR RETIREMENT, OUR LIVES.....NOT THEIRS!! We are the one's putting on the uniform and going 10-8 as police officers...not them! Although our Chief rose through the Rank and File and should be admired for that....he has since 4got where he came from! If he didn't, we would not need these discussions. So to you Chief, YOU ARE WRONG!! WE (and that means all of us) did not stage the protest and go knocking door-2-door just for money! There's so much more than that. If you just spent some time reading these posts and listening to your officers and actually cared about them and their families (AND NOT JUST ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR SELECT GROUP OF INSIDERS) then maybe you could understand it's so much more. And more importantly...do something positive about it!! Now that's a dream right?

To my brothers and sisters....we do this thing alone. Without the backing of our own Chief! We stand alone and fight until we get what we deserve!!! It's that simple! No settling for a contract that is insufficient! Be prepared for a long drawn out battle but rest assured...we will not break until we get a fair and reasonable contract offer...

B safe!