Gill netting and fire hunting are crimes that, for the most part, have gone the way of the Dodo bird. One very good reason why those type of cases are not made as much is because there are very few people overall still committing such crimes. It's like moon shining back in it's heyday versus now. Sure, it happens but it's not as prevalent as before and our efforts need to directed towards the future of Florida and the crimes that are on the uptick. We need to do things to bring us out of the shadows of law enforcement and in contact with the majority of the tax paying public. Believe it or not, there never have been good old days and if we continue to act as if there was we will continue to fall behind.

Let the landowners patrol their own land and have them call dispatch for complaints like everyone else. Stop wasting time trying to catch guys with their nets in the water. Instead, on while on normal patrol go and find their nets and destroy them. Be where the public can see you and interact. Educate. Compliance may be boring but the resources get protected we're there when the general public needs us. Do what brings money into the agency.