Thank you for speaking with us. I'm so glad you are aware of the personalites (Tatoo Brotherhood) running this agency amok. Those of us assigned to patrol have had enough of the Tribal boys picking and demeaning us while we are committed to doing our jobs. (Removed by Mod 167).

Some of us can't figure out why some of these idiots were ever placed in the postiton of trust. As other commenters have stated,WE ARE TIRED of this juvenile mental immature attitudes displayed by these folks. Thank you for hearing us out. Patrol Deputies are the backbone of this agency not the TATOO TRIBUNAL few who think they are in charge. Let's take a look at these individual's and see that CF was an Angel compared to these guys. The talk in the substation is you need to look further into the Costa Rica incidents and I think you will be surprised. Thanks KR.... By the way how many females do we have in charge? above the rank of sgt..??? Appearently they don't have the tribal tatoo on the bicep. hmmmm?