Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend tonight's union meeting due to the fact that my sister-in-law just had a baby and I was at the hospital. I did get some 43 as to what was discussed and I feel that I should set the record straight as to tings that were said by the president regarding solicitation of funds by myself and S.A.

As I have done during the past FOUR years, I approached J.N. with my solicitation letter in January. After he read it, he informed me that I would need to delete a sentence pertaining to the donations being a tax write-off before sending them to businesses. After having his approval of the letter we began distributing it to businesses that have donated in the past and new ones. We were never told that we could not solicit nor were we told as to what businesses we were to stay away from. The letter itself states that we were asking for donations to cover "expenses relating to registration, lodging, food, equipment, etc..." (I have the letter for anyone who wishes to view it). I assume J.N. "mis-spoke" when he said he had never seen the letter. I know...that whole sniper-fire thing in Bosnia has us all mis-speaking...

Only just a few days ago I was approached by J.N. and was asked why I was doing this and told that we were taking away from donations from a solicitation company that the union used. I was never told that it is a violation of the solicitation contract drawn up by the "solicitation company" a.k.a. Larry-I'm selling seats on the next shuttle flight- Stracuzza (yes...I have dealt with this rip-off artist personally). J.N. has yet to provide me with this contract stating the above.

The solicitations are done to alleviate us having to got to the union and ask for funds as do others attending the Olympics as the softball team has done in addition to the sponsorship they have received from Club Eden.

So as long as I and S.A. are being called on the carpet lets open up the proverbial "can of worms". I am calling on the union board to open their books for the last three years to date so that the membership can see just what OUR money is being spent on. Maybe we can discuss how 90% of the board attended a leadership conference in Nashville with expenses paid for by us. We might also discuss the board meetings held during the month at places like Geronimoes that I would be willing to bet that we pay for as well. I was on the board and the only thing I remember even remotely is taking the town bargaining unit to lunch at Longhorn for lunch at the conclusion of our negotiations. I can go on but I think I've made my point.

This being said I welcome your chastising, but at least have the guts to identify yourself. I'm not a supervisor so you don't have to be fearful of retribution.
