If you feel Vic is not doing anything, then why don't you do something about it instead of dogging the only person who is. It is no secret who "Vic" is either so I don't know why you, nameless guest would say he is hiding. That is the problem with this place, it is not the city or the administration, it is the road patrol. The road patrol officers pick on each other and keep doing things that they know are stupid but do it any way. We have many opportunities to help ourselves but everyone is wrapped up in their own stupid selfish agendas. To make it worse, every time someone tries to change that and do something positive, they get ridiculed by some coward who is afraid to be known or afraid to be a part of that change. You think Decker's help is coming to slow, DO something about it rather than ***** and moan about it! Vic is not superman so don't try to hold him accountable for everything. I think the message that he is trying to get accross is that we all have to take action to make the changes we so desperately need in order to get what we want. Be a part of the solution instead of a hinderance.