I don't know about fair. Talk to the people who were terminated during his time here and how the investigation were done. I will agree we may be in more trouble with what is coming, but how much longer could we continue down this washed out road. I don't know about your area, but moral was at the lowest I have ever seen it. During his time here I have talked to agents and supervisors that have been threaten with loss of their jobs, dragged all the way to Tall so they could be threaten. This was a waste of time and money. No, I believe he did not make a good effort to win over the rank and file. I believe they rolled in to their positions and expected respect, just because. It does not work that way any more. You have use an ear and listen to the rank and file. You can not blindly feel that every decision out of Tall was correct and for your best interest. Some of the decisions were made with out thinking of what may happen down the road. If you desire an example: every one must pay if you live past the 35 miles, no matter if you lived their prior to the implementation. Then if it did not happen, a PBA rep said it, the director was bragging on how much this was going to make for the state. This was not good. I did notice one thing in the area of fair, most new employees were able to obtain better equipment then people that had a little time on the job. I could not get a new type of magazine holder and ended up with same old style that have a tendency to crack on the bottom. Don't know if this is fair. If you have not got enough to go around don't hand it out. Or if you have to hand them out explain these action, it might make people feel a little better as to why they can't get some equipment. No I would not want the position as director, I am not real keen on politician. Make no bones about it our director has to be a politician if they desire to hold on to the job any length of time. You say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing or some times do the right thing, and may be if you tell the truth, you will be sent packing. I did not get a warm fuzzy feeling from this politician.