Quote Originally Posted by uno
Lets start by saying that your attitude and demeanor was totally unprofessional. Yes your soon to be EX-wife did receive a dismissible $7.50 citation for not having her registration, but you failed to mention that nothing was done about her driving on a business purposes only license when in fact she was coming to meet you to pick up money for the divorce and not traveling to or from work. Also, there are ways to ask for professional courtesy. First is to be both professional and courteous, DON’T stand there and yell and scream putting your finger up to a persons chest demanding professional courtesy in front of the other party. As you should know, officers and psa’s are not supposed to show favoritism when doing their jobs. Maybe if you were to approach someone without the other party there, quietly, and identify yourself without an attitude the situation could have been resolved differently.
OH, I forgot to mention. It’s pretty bad when a “Deputy” is on scene causing such a disturbance that the PSA feels threatened enough to call for a 94. He’s the only one who had a problem on scene, his wife was actually pleased with the outcome of the entire situation and gave her apologies for his demeanor when she left.

Now that you’ve had the option to read both sides you tell me who the a**hole is…
If he was causing such a disturbance and felt threatened enough to call for a 94 then why didnt you call for Sgt.? Ohh I forgot he was busy :roll: Im sure there's a reason why u are a PSA :wink:

PS: Keep the Deputies personal life away from the forum b/c Im sure you wouldnt want the same done to you