What on earth is going on in D-1. I understand that the LT there has less time on the road then my socks do, but what is he doing! He has run out several excellent members of this agency, both to other agencies and to other Districts because they will not be his yes men and now his target is on one of the BEST road Sergeants left in this agency.
The Sheriff has to wake up and see what is going on up there. I understand that he is a great car salesman, but what happened to leading with what you are given. Trying to build a team? Crime is up, by last years numbers it was almost 130 part one crimes up from the year before, morale is at the lowest it has ever been and this District is on the border of mutiny type rebellion.
Has it really become necessary for a District LT. to impress the admin by continuously writing up his staff? I think the admin would be more impressed to see a smoothly run district then a LT that feels the need to show he has what it takes to cause discontent. What have we gone through up there now since he has been there, 3 CID Sgts. A whole new SET team, that is larger then ever, a new Admin min SGT. Gary, and a group of great Sgts that have become brow beaten into discontent (because up could never brow beat them into submission, they are just too good).
Sheriff, it is time to admit the mistake, take him back down to Sgt and let the District get on with what it use to do, and get rid of this crazy back stabbing mentality. We have seen some guys rise very fast in this agency and some with great reason. I know that there is a very young LT in District 2 that has very little time in “Road Patrol” but you don’t see these kinds of problems there. He has never felt the need to advance his career over the backs of his crew. He makes a darn good LT and his men can trust him. It is just a shame that same working relationship is not in the Agencies Flag Ship District!