Quote Originally Posted by Overheard while out about
Wednesday, March 14, 2007, Ken Pearson was "holding court" at the local Outback Steakhouse whining and dining a couple of media reporters. Although the entire conversation was not comletely over-heard, there was no doubt whatsoever that Pearson was bashing the Sheriff's Office and its administration. I'm very surprised to hear such things from a guy, who beforehis own indiscretions caught up with him, was the number two man in the agency and upheld and supported the policies of that agency. It is also very evident that Pearson was professing his innocence regarding his departure from the Sheriff's office. I suppose a guy could claim he was wronged on one account, and maybe two accounts...ok, maybe three people might have had it wrong, but 5 or 6 separate complaints, all of which were sustained (BY WHOM?)...come on, at some point, a person just has to take responsibility for his actions. I'm sure his wife believes he is innocent, as accused, because he has said "she's the only one for me. I'm sure if there are any doubts, the internal affairs files are public record and available for all to read.

A concerned (SURE) cop in the know

p.s. - As I'm told, all of the victome of Pearson's come-ons an sexual harassment have husbands who work for the Sheriff's Office. Talk about having ultimate control. For the sake of all of you who work for the SO, especially those who have wives that work there, I think integrity (and you?)lies with Brad Steube. All LEO's I know also feel (emotion not thinking) the same way.

Not to mention the spelling and grammar errors, but could you be mistaken or not being truthful about overhearing the converstaion. SO much for honesty in law enforcement.