good for goose...
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  1. #1

    good for goose...

    This is a prime example of the good ol' boy's favoritism in this department. Why is it that schools close and those deputies get temporarily reassigned to the road and when the courthouse closes they get the day's off? Why can't they be reassigned to the road temp? There are quite a few of them that can be put back out there and they are always crying about being the "red headed step children" and the extra help is needed. Double them up and let them ALL go out. They can see what real work is then.

  2. #2

    Re: good for goose...

    UUUUMMMMMHHHHH haven't you heard? It's because most of them are unable to hold their own out in the real world and the others are one foot in grave and one out the door. You need to get back to work and quit worrying about them. I wouldn't want them covering my back any way. Most of them couldn't find their way out of a paper bag much less be backup.

  3. #3

    Re: good for goose...

    Quote Originally Posted by Life's no fair
    This is a prime example of the good ol' boy's favoritism in this department. Why is it that schools close and those deputies get temporarily reassigned to the road and when the courthouse closes they get the day's off? Why can't they be reassigned to the road temp? There are quite a few of them that can be put back out there and they are always crying about being the "red headed step children" and the extra help is needed. Double them up and let them ALL go out. They can see what real work is then.
    I wouldn't say double them up together but putting each of them with a road deputy would be great. It would make things more fair, help on the road, and give them some insight to the road.

    There's nothing positive about bashing them on here. Those of you who come on here and immediately bash what others have to say are seriously lacking of confidence, ethics and your own ability to be an adult. You probably are someone who sits around constantly spewing hate and anger and always criticizing your fellow deputies. I can assure you your coworkers do not respect you and think very poorly of you. Deputy, sergeant, lieutenant, it doesn't matter. When you talk poorly of other employees in the presence of your coworkers, you are demeaning and demoralizing your own self. And also showing your insecurities.

    Get over yourself. Bring solutions to the table instead of being a crybaby. You are an adult. Act like one for one.

  4. #4

    Re: good for goose...

    First of all...none of you jerks have ever worked the courthouse. It is very busy and those guys arrest more dirtbags in a week than you do. They enjoy where they work and do a good job. Until you work up there you don't have a right to say anything about it. How do you know if you haven't been there??? Come spend a week up in the courthouse on a busy week and then say they don't do anything. Yes, most of them can't work the road and don't want to.tThey all have each other's backs and don't backstab each other like people on patrol. They enjoy where they are and choose too be where they are. You want to ***** that they aren't on the road right now? Well I believe policy says you have to have been through FTO and most of them haven't. I felt like most of you before I went up there and experienced what goes on. Those guys work their butts off. The Judges are very proud of all of them. You ***** about them and say they aren't worth a crap but then ***** and say they should be on the road with you...REALLY?!?? Which is it....they are either useless or they are good enough to back you up??? You probably don't even know most of them. Come spend a month in court security and then say you are better than them...I've been here long enough to know you are not. Don't talk about people you don't know or a job you wouldn't do. PATHETIC!!!

  5. #5

    Re: good for goose...

    P.S. If everyone thinks it is so easy to be in court security I will suggest in the next admin meeting that all patrol GRUNTS spend 2 months in the courthouse so they can experience it.

  6. #6

    Re: good for goose...

    If you haven't worked there how can you have an opinion? Work there and then come on this site and run your pie hole. State your name and say you've worked there and state your experiences. THEN have an opinion about what it is like to work there. Be a Person enough to say who you are and tell your experience in the courthouse...otherwise shut your mouth about something you know nothing about. Lt. McCurdy is right...don't talk bad about other deputies until you've walked in their shoes. We're supposed to stick together but I guess not in this department. What have any of the deputies in court security ever done to any of you that you feel the need to talk so bad about them? They respect you...why do they not get the same in return???

  7. #7

    Re: good for goose...

    Great comments Lt M, you are so professional. How would you know how difficult something is when you sit on your butt all day and ***** about what the men are doing with your bff's? Cry me a river. It's unfortunate that you have gotten away with so much in your career and done very little other than stir up drama. One would hope Floyd or Collier would say ssomething but you must have got $%it on them to have gotten away with what have.

    Secret Admirer :x

    PS how difficult is court security? Go fetch water for the judge. Keep the coffee pot hot. Run to Milton bakery for donut holes for the judges and ja's. Yell all rise and be professional butt kissers for the judge. You wouldn't know anymore than you did getting punted from one district office to another so don't patronize anyone else.

  8. #8

    Re: good for goose...

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh Please
    Great comments Lt M, you are so professional. How would you know how difficult something is when you sit on your butt all day and ***** about what the men are doing with your bff's? Cry me a river. It's unfortunate that you have gotten away with so much in your career and done very little other than stir up drama. One would hope Floyd or Collier would say ssomething but you must have got $%it on them to have gotten away with what have.

    Secret Admirer :x

    PS how difficult is court security? Go fetch water for the judge. Keep the coffee pot hot. Run to Milton bakery for donut holes for the judges and ja's. Yell all rise and be professional butt kissers for the judge. You wouldn't know anymore than you did getting punted from one district office to another so don't patronize anyone else.
    We greatly appreciate you TRYING to change this obviously peeved, immature, small minded, sad persons mind. You have been a pretty good LT. We have come a long way in the courthouse with a lot of bumps along the way. The small minded people who only can come on here and put SECRET ADMIRER as their name obviously doesn't have the balls to come and say it to ANY of our faces which means they are the one's who stir up the crap and are mad at the world because of their

  9. #9

    Re: good for goose...

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh Please
    Great comments Lt M, you are so professional. How would you know how difficult something is when you sit on your butt all day and ***** about what the men are doing with your bff's? Cry me a river. It's unfortunate that you have gotten away with so much in your career and done very little other than stir up drama. One would hope Floyd or Collier would say ssomething but you must have got $%it on them to have gotten away with what have.

    Secret Admirer :x

    PS how difficult is court security? Go fetch water for the judge. Keep the coffee pot hot. Run to Milton bakery for donut holes for the judges and ja's. Yell all rise and be professional butt kissers for the judge. You wouldn't know anymore than you did getting punted from one district office to another so don't patronize anyone else.
    We greatly appreciate you TRYING to change this obviously peeved, immature, small minded, sad persons mind. You have been a pretty good LT. We have come a long way in the courthouse with a lot of bumps along the way. The small minded people who only can come on here and put SECRET ADMIRER as their name obviously doesn't have the balls to come and say it to ANY of our faces which means they are the one's who stir up the crap and are mad at the world because of their inability to survive in the mean cold not so fair world. (in other words the REAL WORLD)

    So Just to give a little FYI SA. We do not fetch water for the judges, they bring their own coffee cups generally with some fancy stuff us small minions can't even think of afford to buy. As for keeping the coffee pot hot, we do that because we also drink coffee in the office due to how cold it gets in the courthouse. If you have ever been there you would know that. But since you don't do anything you have nothing to go to court over. The donuts and donut holes we do not buy them, they are given to us from all different people (attorneys, probation, clerks etc.) who work with us everyday and appreciate what we do. As for the all rise but kissers, MOST of our judges deserve the butt kissing because they have our backs as much as we protect them. If someone disrespects us in court it in turns disrespects the judge and MOST of the judges will call them out on that. THAT's what we are ULTIMATELY here for, keeping judges SAFE and keeping things running in a respectful and fairly decent manner. MOST of our judges are proud of that and will tell anyone that asks. Even though we don't rank a mention on the Sheriff's web page like everyone else.

    SO again a small thank you from the courthouse MINIONS.

    sorry the power went out half way and had to repost

  10. #10
    Banned LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: good for goose...

    Removed duplicate post.

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