Deputy dumps quadriplegic from wheelchair to the ground - Page 12
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Results 111 to 120 of 157
  1. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Shut your pie-hole quit your whining and retire or move on to TPD
    And people wonder why theres a problem at HCSO. You are no doubt a supervisor with that typical response.

  2. #112

    Re: Brian Sterner isn't looking to get rich

    Thank you! I tried to tell my darling husband (attorney) there would be situations in which the cap would not be rational. You probably know by now that his ribs aren't broken.

    It's a sad situation for everyone involved and not likely to end soon either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Average Joe
    Quote Originally Posted by SueEisman
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    I agree, this time the line was crossed. This will end in a multi-million dollar settlement. Being dumped out of his chair is the best thing that ever happened to this guy.

    No matter how awful this is the sheriff's department can only be sued for up to $100,000.00. I didn't get the idea that Brian Sterner was looking to become a millionaire either. He works with people with spinal cord injuries and my guess is he is looking for training to avoid this from happening again. Don't take my word for it though. Go to Google and type in Brian Sterner Hero. That will lead to his place of employment.
    Sue this is not accurate. The law provides for a cap of $100,000 unless there are other circumstances which I am sure this would qualify if in fact what we are seeing tells the whole story.

    What would be interesting to know is what the medical reports says several days after the incident as to why the need for the x-rays. Does this report state the facts (tossed from wheelchair) or is some lame reason given ( fell out of bed) which would then make one believe that maybe there was indeed a cover up of the incident.

    Well now we know that the State Attorney General is going to look into this matter. Will be interesting if they also review the claimed rape case last year when the nurse refused the R-2 pill to the victim and/or the baby that died in the jail toliet. Kind of shows a pattern of being mistreated in the jail.

  3. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by Average Joe
    You said what?,

    You misunderstood what I am saying. There is far too much garbage going on to just sit back and lay blame on a deputy. It is time to look at this administration and those that supervise under them. I am tired of just blaming the deputy and closing the case. It is time to look for the source of the problem be it poor hiring standards, lack of benefits that cause better employees to go elsewhere, under staffed facilities/districts etc, etc, etc.

    We have far too many supervisors that get promoted and then think they have reached early retirement. Many in the lower positions are looking for some direction and can never find it.

    I don't know who you are as I am just a member of the public reading the reactions of the LEO on this site. I have to admit that I am somewhat surprised at how quick many are to dismiss this as simply a non incident and are attempting to change the focus as to being some type of disciplinary "witch hunt" of sorts, rather than the issue at hand.

    I am certain there is LEO politics I am unaware of that are coloring the thoughts behind some of the statements...but it is obvious to those willing to admit it, this lady LEO made a huge mistake in judgment and as such will have to face the consequences of her actions. And for some to simply defend her actions with some of the absurd statements I have seen expressed here, may make them feel good, like their unconditional support in having her and the others involved "back" is some how the noble thing to do. But it most assuredly doesn't make it right, and in the long run will just prolong the necessary changes you have outlined, needed to rectify the situation so as not to have it repeated again.

    I am thankful to at least see one LEO, that gets the significance of this incident, and the associated repercussions. You seem to be one of the few whose statements reflect a real understanding of a probable larger problem and where/how it will need to be addressed in order to reverse what some could arguably claim to be a recent trend of abuse of detainees.

    You don't have to be a genius to see the non reaction of those in the video support your just have to be willing to put the emotionally charged "you watch my back and I'll watch yours no matter what" mentality aside for a moment to see it. I certainly hope you and those that think like you, represent the norm rather than some of the others I have read.

    From what I have read, you're one of the few who's signature statement seems to reinforce their statements. In other words you appear to walk your talk. Accolades to you officer Joe Average. I will get off you website now and let those in LEO work it out amongst yourselves. I feel much better knowing there is a voice of reason particpating in it.
    I've reviewed the video and have concluded that this was just an accident. The perp leaned forward as the detention deputy was attempting to wheel him over to the seating area, thus causing a higher center of gravity which made the chair tip. END OF STORY!

  4. #114
    If that guy thinks he's going to sue the department he'll never win. After reviewing the tape it's quite obvious HE DOESN'T HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON hahahaha!

  5. #115
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Deputy dumps inmate

    This is with out a dobut a true display of an out of control officer. She should be let go without pay, and lose her Florida standreds and not be allowed to be in this field here or any other state in the union. However; the bottom line is this. The Sheriff is totally responsable for the action of his officers and if he canno't train them better then this, then he to should be let go for just cause. An officer in today's world has a hard enough job, with out having bad apples running around causing more bad publicity then they already get. So one could only hope, that the county commisoners for this county will take firm action in this matter.

  6. #116
    [quote=Trust me]
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by "Average Joe":29d53rwa
    You said what?,

    You misunderstood what I am saying. There is far too much garbage going on to just sit back and lay blame on a deputy. It is time to look at this administration and those that supervise under them. I am tired of just blaming the deputy and closing the case. It is time to look for the source of the problem be it poor hiring standards, lack of benefits that cause better employees to go elsewhere, under staffed facilities/districts etc, etc, etc.

    We have far too many supervisors that get promoted and then think they have reached early retirement. Many in the lower positions are looking for some direction and can never find it.


    I don't know who you are as I am just a member of the public reading the reactions of the LEO on this site. I have to admit that I am somewhat surprised at how quick many are to dismiss this as simply a non incident and are attempting to change the focus as to being some type of disciplinary "witch hunt" of sorts, rather than the issue at hand.

    I am certain there is LEO politics I am unaware of that are coloring the thoughts behind some of the statements...but it is obvious to those willing to admit it, this lady LEO made a huge mistake in judgment and as such will have to face the consequences of her actions. And for some to simply defend her actions with some of the absurd statements I have seen expressed here, may make them feel good, like their unconditional support in having her and the others involved "back" is some how the noble thing to do. But it most assuredly doesn't make it right, and in the long run will just prolong the necessary changes you have outlined, needed to rectify the situation so as not to have it repeated again.

    I am thankful to at least see one LEO, that gets the significance of this incident, and the associated repercussions. You seem to be one of the few whose statements reflect a real understanding of a probable larger problem and where/how it will need to be addressed in order to reverse what some could arguably claim to be a recent trend of abuse of detainees.

    You don't have to be a genius to see the non reaction of those in the video support your just have to be willing to put the emotionally charged "you watch my back and I'll watch yours no matter what" mentality aside for a moment to see it. I certainly hope you and those that think like you, represent the norm rather than some of the others I have read.

    From what I have read, you're one of the few who's signature statement seems to reinforce their statements. In other words you appear to walk your talk. Accolades to you officer Joe Average. I will get off you website now and let those in LEO work it out amongst yourselves. I feel much better knowing there is a voice of reason participating in it.
    I've reviewed the video and have concluded that this was just an accident. The perp leaned forward as the detention deputy was attempting to wheel him over to the seating area, thus causing a higher center of gravity which made the chair tip. END OF STORY![/quote:29d53rwa]

    I can only guess you are an officer and are expressing what you want to see. But I and certainly the rest of the public, see the Mr. Sterener fully seated in the wheelchair, leaning back with his arms crossed when she casually walks behind him and raises her arms, lifting the rear wheels at least two feet completely off the floor. Your assessment if Leo, is a disgrace to your position and further shows the public the indifference by some to this incident.

  7. #117
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Average Joe


    I don't know who you are as I am just a member of the public reading the reactions of the LEO on this site. I have to admit that I am somewhat surprised at how quick many are to dismiss this as simply a non incident and are attempting to change the focus as to being some type of disciplinary "witch hunt" of sorts, rather than the issue at hand.

    I am certain there is LEO politics I am unaware of that are coloring the thoughts behind some of the statements...but it is obvious to those willing to admit it, this lady LEO made a huge mistake in judgment and as such will have to face the consequences of her actions. And for some to simply defend her actions with some of the absurd statements I have seen expressed here, may make them feel good, like their unconditional support in having her and the others involved "back" is some how the noble thing to do. But it most assuredly doesn't make it right, and in the long run will just prolong the necessary changes you have outlined, needed to rectify the situation so as not to have it repeated again.

    I am thankful to at least see one LEO, that gets the significance of this incident, and the associated repercussions. You seem to be one of the few whose statements reflect a real understanding of a probable larger problem and where/how it will need to be addressed in order to reverse what some could arguably claim to be a recent trend of abuse of detainees.

    You don't have to be a genius to see the non reaction of those in the video support your just have to be willing to put the emotionally charged "you watch my back and I'll watch yours no matter what" mentality aside for a moment to see it. I certainly hope you and those that think like you, represent the norm rather than some of the others I have read.

    From what I have read, you're one of the few who's signature statement seems to reinforce their statements. In other words you appear to walk your talk. Accolades to you officer Joe Average. I will get off you website now and let those in LEO work it out amongst yourselves. I feel much better knowing there is a voice of reason particpating in it.
    Translation and summary:

    Hey Joe, NICE PIC!

  8. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic
    "I am the mother of a person who did die at Orient Road because a deputy was asleep."

    Could you pleaase be more specific. I have never heard of someone dying because of a Jailer taking a nap. I believe you are not telling us all of the details. Maybe there was something else that may have contributed to his death. Like maybe a bed sheet wrapped around his neck.
    Precisely .... while on antidepressants and under a suicide watch. The only thing the napping deputy changed was the date of death. My son was bent on leaving this world and would have continued to try. I know great measures were taken to save him by all present. I hold no grudges against the sheriff's office over this.
    A lot of parents would have freaked out because you mentioned the sheet.
    All it does for me is prove the situation was remembered which hopefully will help save a life one day.
    Ma'am, I respect your maturity. If the LEO at Orient Road had just a smidgen of the self control you have just displayed in your post, this incident would have never happened. I am sorry about your son, only I am not as forgiving as you. 32 years ago when I was arrested for something I didn't do and was later exonerated, by judge Coe no less. I felt some abuse at the hands of those in central booking. I was just 18 and very nervous and scared, as I didn't understand why I was being arrested for something I hadn't done. The abuse effected me in such a way I have never been able to let it go. I have had a hard time over the years accepting the fact that not all cops are like those that night in central booking. I for one am feeling much better about it now because I know this time the offending officer will get what she deserves and maybe , just maybe, I can finally receive some long over due vindication and come to terms with what happened to me so as to finally let it go. I certainly feel I am not alone in my feelings as I know in my heart that it was not an isolated case but simply the way things are. It's saddens me to think that 32 years latter nothing has changed.

  9. #119

    Thanks for making my point....

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptic
    "I am the mother of a person who did die at Orient Road because a deputy was asleep."

    Could you pleaase be more specific. I have never heard of someone dying because of a Jailer taking a nap. I believe you are not telling us all of the details. Maybe there was something else that may have contributed to his death. Like maybe a bed sheet wrapped around his neck.
    Precisely .... while on antidepressants and under a suicide watch. The only thing the napping deputy changed was the date of death. My son was bent on leaving this world and would have continued to try. I know great measures were taken to save him by all present. I hold no grudges against the sheriff's office over this.
    A lot of parents would have freaked out because you mentioned the sheet.
    All it does for me is prove the situation was remembered which hopefully will help save a life one day.
    Ma'am, I respect your maturity. If the LEO at Orient Road had just a smidgen of the self control you have just displayed in your post, this incident would have never happened. I am sorry about your son, only I am not as forgiving as you. 32 years ago when I was arrested for something I didn't do and was later exonerated, by judge Coe no less. I felt some abuse at the hands of those in central booking. I was just 18 and very nervous and scared, as I didn't understand why I was being arrested for something I hadn't done. The abuse effected me in such a way I have never been able to let it go. I have had a hard time over the years accepting the fact that not all cops are like those that night in central booking. I for one am feeling much better about it now because I know this time the offending officer will get what she deserves and maybe , just maybe, I can finally receive some long over due vindication and come to terms with what happened to me so as to finally let it go. I certainly feel I am not alone in my feelings as I know in my heart that it was not an isolated case but simply the way things are. It's saddens me to think that 32 years latter nothing has changed.'re saying that if an officer had a very bad experience with a young black male years ago, you can certainly understand why he would profile and treat young black males differently? I mean, the cop probably couldn't ever "let it go" so you certainly couldn't blame him for assuming all young black males are like that, right?

    Does anyone else see the irony with the public assuming all cops are the same but protesting anything that resembles profiling?

  10. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    I'm not a LEO but a family member of mine is so here's my take on this situation. Brian Sterner's 15 minutes of fame our upon him and he's going to get a nice big fat check too boot. He's already making the rounds on the national news network programs. He was on the today show this morning live from their New York studios. So he's getting all expense paid vacations as well. What a deal. All resulting from him fleeing the police in a vehicle while in Ybor City back in October. Hey, here's a thaught. If he had'nt of been arrested he would'nt of got dumped. But then again. He would'nt be in line for a big payday would he. The deputy was wrong for dumping him on the ground like that and after the conclusion of a proper investigation if it is determined that appropriate criminal charges be filed against her then so be it. That said, Brian Sterner is partially to blame for this incident by breaking the law to begin with. He should'nt be paid a large amount of OUR TAX DOLLARS for it.
    This is the stupidest post on the boards.
    You have got to be kidding!!
    Notice to everyone in a wheelchair:
    Do not go to jail for any reason because once you are there, they have every right to harm you in any way they see fit simply because you are there!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

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