Suspect's family has an attorney - Page 6
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  1. #51
    He has now stands accused of making up crap about some TTPD officers on the Hillsborough county board under the christmas lights post.
    You can view his booking photo there.
    just leave out the URL at the beginning-Thats what I had 2 do.
    that boy has a brain the size of a rats nut.
    I do worry about the TPD detective getting a round put in him.
    Its obvious he has an axe 2 grind with this detective stout.
    And the guy is loaded with bulletproof vests and guns it seems like.
    Thats not rocket science.
    Sometimes things are funny to me but this isnt 1 of them.
    I hope Detective Stout is a man and not a woman.
    Can probably protect himself better.

  2. #52

    Re: Suspect's family has an attorney

    Quote Originally Posted by Retired NCDS
    You can't wrote
    You are public servants, you can't sue. It comes with the territory, son. You should have known this when you signed up to be a cop. Or did you just do it for the donuts?
    Troll, go spew your venom somewhere else. Your ignorance of the law shows your true colors. LEO's don't give up their civil rights when they pin the badge on. Its just simple economics that the scumbags that violate the civil rights of LEOs don't have a deep pocket to attract the big plaintiff's attorneys that bring such cases. And the salary LEO's live on don't allow them afford expensive litigation. There are few national organizations that will come to the aid of LEOs. They do not have an NAACP or ACLU. They suffer in silence, unnoticed by the media and rejected by so-called civil rights attorneys.

    Now go crawl back under your rock, you are not fit to serve donuts here.
    LEO's cannot sue. If they could the attorney that would handle the case would work on contingency. No recovery no cost. But alas they cannot sue an alleged suspect. Your last sentence indicates you are probably unable to serve the public esp., with a gun. Scary. BTW what did you think about Doug shooting Matt and then leaving him there to die ?

  3. #53
    I am simply amazed at the hate you can feel in this thread from all the LEO's because one person questioned the 68 shots (I know cops like sex but y'all all seem to have sex on the brain when discussing how many shots were fired), at the suspect. It scares me to think that you all carry guns and have such hatred at the drop of a hat. I have family and friends that are LEOs but hey I am realistic enough to know there are good ones and bad ones as with any profession. The minute someone questions something that was done the person is attacked with 'bet you've had run ins with the law' , your a cop hater, blah, blah, blah. Act like a bunch of 5 year olds. God help us if this is a representation of our LEOs. The ones I know wouldn't act like this.

    Brian, loved your letter. I posted it on another forum months ago. Cya.

  4. #54
    I haven't read through this entire topic, so I haven't seen all the "hate" or "sex" oriented comments. I can only ask "Amazed" one question, based on those comments. How would you react if a cold-blooded murderer shot one of your own family members...a parent, a sibling, a son or daughter? If you knew that feeling, then you might have some small idea of why there is so much "hate" expressed here. Better in a place like this, than on the street. We need someplace to vent our grief and anger. If you don't understand that, then there's a lot more you don't understand. The bond we share as cops is something the average citizen could never grasp. Even if you "know" cops, or have a cop in your family, it's not the same. Only cops know cops.

    Put on a uniform and face death every single day, and you might understand why we feel the way we do. Human beings can be a pretty unpleasant species. It's the only species that beats it's children, rapes, and kills for pleasure. It's the only species that consumes materials to get high. And it's the only species that, uncaged, will live in its own filth. Oh, there are some truly great things about the human species! But unfortunately, those aren't the qualities we get to deal with on any regular basis. We deal with the worst of society, all the time. So if we sound a bit harsh, jaded, or too vulgar for your sensibilities, then maybe a law enforcement forum isn't the place for you.

  5. #55
    The sex comments are on another thread. They all refer to 69 shots. The hate towards citizens is on another thread as well. Matt and Diogi.

    If my uncle was shot or any of my friends while on duty I would be very sad and I pray to God that I would not be as hateful as some on here. I know for a fact I would not be hateful to citizens asking questions.

    I have a similar job and I volunteer for an agency that could put me in harm's way everyday. I have been on plenty of ride alongs as well.

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