September 6th, 2006 Contract Proposal - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Hey Joe
    Sorry for all the negative postings, I say for myself that Im tired, older and lack what you ask for, patients... You've been here a long time too, so has Mike.. Ive been here longer.. What they have proposed and given in the past is Just Wrong!!!!

    I think some of us have the guts to leave, its not a matter of guts its a matter that we are partial to basic needs, you know(rent, electricity, child care, food! oh and GAS!)
    This is worse than sixteen years ago.
    You dont think there not reading these postings, while are upper admin thinks we are overreacting, thats ok with them not paying into their health care and their saleries. But you know if they were down here with us they would be beating the drums too.
    Yeah Im stupid for staying this long Im aware of that, but I once thought this city was special, that they would take care of their workers. But how can you get all worked up for who you work for doesnt even CARE about basic needs or live in a fake world?

  2. #22
    I have read all of your posts and I too feel all your pains.
    I too am aware that the "walls" have eyes and ears.....
    So be it.....remeber, we are all FRATERNAL members
    As far as all your questions about how much it will cost each of you, I promise, we will enlighten you on September 14th and then post it. You are all right, it would of cost you if we accepted it, that is why we turned it down.
    Specifically, the raises did not include the customary 2.5% built into the steps that we have received the past 2 contracts and that every agency does in the county.
    As far as the multiplier, in simple terms, if you worked 20 yrs at 3.25%, you would get to your maximum 80% in 24.6 yrs. If the 3.5% was instituted for ALL your years, it would take you 22.8 yrs to get to 80%. With the city's plan....3.25% and 3.5% after would take you 24.5 yrs to get your 80%.....A WHOPPING 1 MONTH REDUCTION!!!!
    The best tool we have is education, and that is what your labor Board is trying to do.
    Like I said, patience is a virtue and do not yet despair......both sides are still working......

  3. #23
    Mike!!! Awesome job!!!!
    Its funny how they let that dweeb stand there and blab for what seemed to be FOVEVER! and then when came time for your presentation, the 3 minute rule was addressed...
    so to my fellow brothers and sisters with five and under.. you now see, first hand how we are treated...
    Theres a Davie cop posting that life aint any better over there, well he or she is sadly mistaken, just look at the comparisons you will see its far better. Now Im not saying its great over there, but as far as benifits and pay go.. there is no doubt you guys are doing alot better then we are. It took me over 11 years to top out!!! yes thats not a typo, ELEVEN YEARS!!!
    and we're still the lowest paid in the county...

  4. #24
    11 years? Ask Hanlon how long it took him. OK I WILL TELL YOU. Anyone with more than 15 years here it took them 13 years to top out. Some guys with more than 20 it took 14 years to top out!!!! Total joke. Keep buying golf courses, and acting like Plantation is some little backwards town. You know what it will become one. Get ready Plantation is on top of the hill looking down a steep downgrade. Keep letting quality Officers leave, and have no options on who to hire. Why would a young officer or a young person wanting to become an officer put in a application with Plantation? Answer he/she wouldn't. Why? Because he/she could do so much better at many different Departments. So who does that leave? The people no one else wanted it the first place. Like I said DOWNHILL!!!!

  5. #25

    Thank You!!!

    I want to thank each and every one of you...actually over 100 of you who attended the protest at city hall.
    We made a remarkable and impressive show.
    There is no mistaking our solidarity and resolve to have the best contract ever in the history of PPD.
    As for everyone who attended and could stay, you can now see how buisness is conducted and how things are sometimes twisted. This is what your Labor Board and FOP have to deal with on a daily basis. Like I previously said, we have done EVERYTHING in our power to inform, educate and provide the city as far as comparisons...
    So where do we go from here.....your Labor Board met this morning...730am to be exact and finalized our counter offer. It was personally dropped off to the mayors office. So now, the balls in their court. What I find funny, we formulated our first proposal in 1 month and our counter in 7 days. It took them 3 months...oh well
    We will have a full report at this evenings meeting so try to attend.
    Lets keep positive and hopeful!!!! I know its hard....Im just as sick and tired as the rest......

  6. #26
    Good Showing my friends.....
    A strong crowd attended tonights FOP meeting
    Your Labor Board appreciated all the support it has received the past 2 days
    Our work is nor done though......lets keep focused, commited and on course.....
    Proposal #2 is submitted.....and we wait.....

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