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  1. #1


    One of your officers showed up for an invest at the clearwater P.D. wearing a raggity pair of jeans and flip-flops. Do you guys have a dress code for invests? I know other departments do. He looked more like a punk than a law enforcement officer.

  2. #2

    Go to your own Board...

    If this is just some idiot looking to bash Largo.....I have seen a many CPD. PPPD, SO, etc. show up in the same gear dragging their kids along at the Court complex, SAB, and CPD so let's not throw stones.

    Honestly, with the ever growing amount of invests the SAO can not keep up and the invest times are not convienient. Lately officers setting invests on the weekend have to call in on Mondays because the schedule filled up. I don't blame any one who has to show up on their day off for dressing less than proper. Now, that being said....if it is a felony DWLSR...why is there an invest anyway?? If this is a sex batt case or something serious then the officer should have dressed appropriately. Hell, half the victims don't show up to their own invest anyway.

    Lastly, if it such a big deal to you, get his/her name and report them. Otherwise......stick your comment in your a_s.

  3. #3
    Nice Reply! I second the placement of the comment.

  4. #4

    Get off of it..

    I concur with the last two posts. By the way who cares, are you a cop or a pain in the a--?

  5. #5
    I remember an officer years ago appearing before a training oral board wearing flip flops, shorts, and an untucked button down shirt, all the while rocking back in the chair. Hehehehe.....THAT was one for the books!


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