OCC (Office of Corrupt Citizen's)
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  1. #1

    OCC (Office of Corrupt Citizen's)

    http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f ... KBA5T1.DTL

    Note the quote from OCC about giving the "defense an advantage". I smell a pretty stinky RAT!

  2. #2


    Absolute power corrupts absolutely!

    Will they ever learn that even though this is San Francisco, this is still a democratic, free society?

  3. #3

    No contact, no complaint

    It has become quiet obvious that the occ and the commision are out to screw hard working cops. The fajita gate was the begining of the end for hard working cops. You will get nothing for trying to work hard, except self gratification. But is that enough? Is your lively hood worth that?? Is the well being of you and your family worth the risk?? Not anymore. If you are accused of misconduct you are through unless you have some great evidence exonerating you. I say we do what the cops in Seattle did. No Contact, No Complaints! Their union advised their officers that to avoid any false allegations of misconduct that they sould avoid contact with the public as much as possible. This meant a reduciton in SIA's, 585's, Arrests, etc. It is time that the citizens of SF see what they have created and the consequences of those actions. The supervisors and mayor will do nothing unless the people of SF demand changes. We can scream and complain all we want, but the chief and her command staff will do NOTHING to improve things for us. We must take this into our own hands. And don't rely on Gary, because he will not go up against the chief or mayor. I think he is hoping for a sweetheart deal like Cunnie got when he left. Remember, change can happen if we unite!!

  4. #4

    A Battle Worth Fighting

    IF we can band together. IF being the key word. You are right on the money in so far as banding together is what it takes, and you hit the nail on the head when referring to Gary. Unless we stand up for ourselves, NOTHING will change. So...A call to arms. Do as little as necessary and let the public be outraged, then them big wigs can get on their knees.

  5. #5
    Tell as many of the members about this site. Let people chime in about this and maybe, just maybe the message with get out to the troops. And EVERYONE should listen to the audio clips of gary's speech to the command staff. Very enlightening.


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