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Thread: OT/Comp

  1. #1


    Does anyone know if you have to get special approval for comp time of just overtime? When will the OT ban be off?

  2. #2
    Samething every year. As soon as we get the new budget in, they say you have to stay late and do reports and what not. About 5-6 months later, they're saying they're cutting OT and not paying for stuff because they went over budget. So the "OT ban" as you call it will be over in October.

  3. #3
    OT is still there if we need it. We just have to watch what we spend so we do go over. Court and OT for late calls is still no problem according to the Union guys who talked to the Chief.

  4. #4
    For a police department to ban over time is crazy. This is not acceptable. How can you protect a city by banning over time. The city never budgets enough money, so the city runs on minimal staffing. There is no excuse for banning overtime. It is not acceptable to say well the budget year is almost over. This is not being negative it is fact. We will work with 2-3 people on each side of the city which is by far not enough. How can you be proactive running call to call? It takes a toll on every one, let's stop worrying about paying over time. Beasides the city saves alot of money by people quitting and not actually paying it's officers what they deserve.

  5. #5
    Gee if you knew what you were talking about you would be dangerous!

    There is no ban on OT--every business and all of us at home have to watch our money at the end of the month. You can't spend what you don't have. Thats all the PD is doing is making sure it spends its money on ot that is needed. You know youself guys milk it. Find out the facts before you run your mouth and try to bring us down with bull.

  6. #6
    Pay what they deserve????????? The PBA got us this and we were happy when we got it. Now 3 years later you want to bad mouth it? Its time for a new contract. I hope we will be happy with it and I am sure 3 years from now other people will have short memories. Saying the city is not paying us and blaming them for a good contract 3 years ago is crazy.

  7. #7
    1st of all if you were around for the last contact you would know that the only reason it passed was because they put a little money in the faces of all the new people. Yes the people that made $6.00 and hour at Burger King, why is that because that is what we hire, right out of High School. Don't deny it, it is right in your face. Second, look at the roster each day, days and mids is always short staffing and the 1st half of afternoons. Don't count the over lap shift it means nothing. Supervisors do not count they don't work calls or write reports. I'm sorry only a couple do and we all thank them for that! My point is this, the City leaders need to reconize that the Police force is the most important part of city government, it needs to be treated as such. Yes I do work here and I want to see this agency be top notch like the Accreditation standards were worked for. There is no reason why we should accept the notion that someone has to be at the bottom.

  8. #8
    The bottom line is for us who have been here awhile--we have more people than we ever had and yes we need more.

    Pay is way better than the old days under previous Admin but surely we deserve more and with new contract hopes run high.

    The quality of people we have hired in the last few years is much better and turn over rate has dropped from 20 a year to less than 10. We still have problems but the bottom line is we have come a long way and people notice that we are getting better every day. Now lets get more take home pay!!

  9. #9
    This O/T ban happens one a year. They get all heated up because reports are not done, so we stay late, do the report, and then use up the O/T, then they get all hot again, and say go home and finish the report tomorrow. Same old S***


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