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  1. #1


    First let me say that I agree that there are many things in this agency that need some change and needs to be done so that we can move on and start to be a place where anyone would want to work.

    Please remember there are things here like the B.E.I. and F.P.P. thing that has been going on for a long time and will not change over night but does need to changed, but it does not need to get personal. Yes there are Agents that complain about everything but I just as many Officer that complain just as much if not more, remember we are human and no matter where you work you will complain.

    As far as Caaptain Gibson goes this is not the place to try and put him on the spot and try and force him to answer things as some of the posting are trying to do. He is a man of his word and he is trying to offer as much as he can but he too has people over himself.

    Some of the things that we seem to be hung up on like the 10-08 time and like someone posted stating that if I dont stop at an accident then I would be in trouble. Yes you would and by all rights should be carry some paper home with you. Dont get me wrong I dont agree with it but I conduct traffic stops outside of the parks ( Environmental, Public Safety Issuies) and disabled vehicles and traffic accidents, all we have to do is adjust the time out later. Is it the right but thats what we do.

    The Park Patrol verses Park Police Honestly I get sick when I hear both of them but Park Patrol is our name on paper and we just cant change because we dont like it. We all knew the name of the place befor we took the job. Like I said we do have some major problems but it is not these.

    Just please remember this is a site for us to discuss things and ***** about things but not to talk to the brass and should not expect them to. The job has not changed since I have been employed here and the mission is still the same thing it has been since I signed up.

    If nothing else Tally know now that there are some major problems that we as Officers and Agents are having and they need to know what they are so please keep them comming on here untill they come up with a way for us to be able to come forward and not have to fear of what will be done to us in our districts.

    Once more please remember we are all adults, in a respected job and if we start tearing each other apart and fighting each other we have lost the battle already and how can we put our lives in each others hands if we cant trust our own broters and sisters in arms. We have a job to do, but the main goal is to get home with our loved ones every night.


  2. #2

    Your just babbleing


    You talk about we knew the name of our agency when we took the job. Obviously you can not read, try looking on your shoulder patch. No where on it or my car or agency lettehead does it say anything about Park Patrol or Police. Dont preach what you are WRONG about. I am talking about these old timers who refuse to accept the change. We are no longer rangers with guns or DNR or even FPP as it all changed years ago. Unfortunately it is jaded and uneducated responses such as you which fuels the fire.

    Your inept discussion of x8 time proves me right. Adjusting your time has NOTHING to do with it. it is a fact that every other State LEO and Deputy Sheriff who goes x8 from there driveway is ON DUTY and getting paid for it. Why because of liabilty. Yes we have a duty to enforce laws and etc before we get to azone,park,post etc but the agency is telling us we are not officially on duty until we hit a park entrance. That is sole point of my discussion. I get in my car at home and pull out of my driveway. I am on duty PERIOD. You can not sugar coat that anyway. The problem is a bunch of civillans who are DEP not LE side get these policies and they just apply it to LE and the same standard just doesnt apply for obvious reasons as we are not office personnel.

    Yes that has been issues for a long time but you say this is not the forum to ask those questions. Hey, he asked and we answered. Because if we ask or mention it in person we will be doomed and you should know that.

    Your comments are well inputed but lack true meaning so just stick to the facts. This is a very good way to express ourselves and yes you might see some discust but we all take our jobs seriously and are quite respectable at these post.

  3. #3


    I think what they were trying say is that you patch and vehicle may say DIV. OF LAW ENFORCEMENT but when you applied and took the job you applied for the BURREAU OF PARK PATROL, BURREAU OF ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS OR BURREAU OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE one of the three BURREAUS within the DIV. OF LAW ENFORCEMENT. So maybe the one who posted it can read and you hould do more research. You are also correct when you stated yourself that when other agency that do go x8 from their x42 are on duty. You state in your own posting that the ones that do it. we are not one of them as with most police depts and s.o. must go to a briefings 15 min. before they start their shift. so again maybe they have done their research.

    They even said they do not agree with it but what they stated seems to be correct and do what they are talking about.

  4. #4

    I give up

    You have once again missed the point. As far as SO and PDs no they all dont follow that description in fact the ones in my area on brief once a week and go x8 from there house. My point was the policies of DEP stem from an office employee perspective and are not routed towards law enforcement field as that is not practical. You mentioned flexing out hours if you drive up on something. You missed that one also YOU CANNOT ENFORCE SOMETHING if you are not on the job because if you do you are not covered under workers comp if something happens. its no different than flalling down and home anfd claiming WC.


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