Scott Israel should kiss the ground Mike Satz walks on! - Page 2
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  1. #11


    The last two post were written by a moron. I'm so tited of hearing, “there was nothing to arrest him on.” This is the incompetence you get, when your leader is totally incompetent.

  2. #12

    Let’s hope it happens. let’s start a petition!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Scott Israel should kiss the ground the former Broward State attorney walks on. Looks like the State Attorney of Oakland County Michigan, is investigating those at the high school who dropped the ball on the killer. Like BSO, who had more than enough probable cause to lock-up Cruze. The Oakland State Attorney looks like she's getting ready to bring charges to certain members of school administration.
    Scott Israel continues to take no responsibility for the death of 14 school children. Scott Israel should be charged and prosecuted. Unlike the Sheriff of Oakland County, who was left in the dark. In fact, that Sheriff just arrested two students in the last couple of weeks for threats to their schools. Cases where he was aware of potential violence. But not Israel, he continues to blame Cruze. Even after the notable threats of violence he made.

    Oh, but wait, it's all The governor's fault he's no longer sheriff.
    In fact it should be investigated, this way everyone and everything would be exposed. Even the stupid followers who never knew the facts would see be what expired the day of. It this would happen Isreal would have his job back plus a huge lawsuit. Facts were revealed but it even got the cold shoulder. The Governor never knew the case or facts until it was to late so no blame on him but he should have know better.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The last two post were written by a moron. I'm so tited of hearing, “there was nothing to arrest him on.” This is the incompetence you get, when your leader is totally incompetent.
    The stupid one would be you as your nose is solid brown

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I could care less about Scott Israel, Greg Toney or any other useless liberal politician the brain dead, pot head Broward voters can come up with to run BSO. But would you please tell us one single incident where there was probable cause to arrest NC for any crime. Now based on your post, it occurs to me that you may be a youngster or are a low information voter and don’t really have a good grasp on the definition of probable cause. Or maybe you’re an MSD alumni, maybe one that was nowhere near Bldg 1200 but is still trying to benefit from the millions of dollars that are still being dolled out by many different entities. As far as the FBI, the justice department is run by flaming libs who feel you are somehow owed a big settlement due to the actions of NC. That’s fine, our gov’t bleeds far more money then that everyday. And the FBI has become an absolute joke. I just have a hard time understanding the infatuation with Israel being responsible for MSD. There was nothing!!! I repeat, nothing, that could have been done in regards to NC that would have prevented MSD as it relates to BSO. Of course hindsight is always 20/20. He committed no crimes. He was already getting intensive treatment from Henderson Mental Health all through high school. Punching holes in the walls of his home and shooting BB guns can’t get you arrested. Even if BSO made an arrest for any of those incidents, he never would have seen the inside of a court room. You clearly have no idea how ineffective the Broward Courts really are. Especially when it comes to juveniles. Trust me, it’s a freakin’ joke. And that was under Mike Satz. Wait until we have the first big system failure under this nobody Prior that you all elected. But I digress. NC’s behaviors, none of which were criminal, would have resulted in any sort of conviction. It certainly would not prevented him from buying a firearm. NC left Broward when he quit school and moved to Palm Beach County. Now while he was there he actually did commit a felony that should have got him locked up. Problem is, the victim waived prosecution and the case went no where. No victim, no crime. After several months he slipped back into Broward unnoticed and move in with a family that thought it was a good idea for this nuttier-than-squirrel shit NC to have guns around. At that point, he, like every other American 19 year old was legally permitted to buy a rifle. The rest is history. Even the vague threats he made online, reported to the FBI and BSO did rise to the level of a crime under the law at the time. So please explain to all of us how Scott Isreal, BSO, your mom, or anyone else could have done anything under the laws prior to 2018 to stop NC. The sad news it that a nut job like NC could walk on to just about any campus today and likely pull off the same massacre as NC. He may die at the end but after 3 minutes and 34 dead people, what difference would that make. Would it then be considered a successful law enforcement operation in your mind? All of the failures of society should not fall on the shoulders of the cops. If that is your belief, then we’re all in trouble. He is to blame. We made serious changes to the law since Feb. 2018 that would have stopped NC. Let’s hope it never happens again.
    Very true and well informed post. Most people do not know he moved to Palm Beach or many laws were passed AFTER MSD.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I could care less about Scott Israel, Greg Toney or any other useless liberal politician the brain dead, pot head Broward voters can come up with to run BSO. But would you please tell us one single incident where there was probable cause to arrest NC for any crime. Now based on your post, it occurs to me that you may be a youngster or are a low information voter and don’t really have a good grasp on the definition of probable cause. Or maybe you’re an MSD alumni, maybe one that was nowhere near Bldg 1200 but is still trying to benefit from the millions of dollars that are still being dolled out by many different entities. As far as the FBI, the justice department is run by flaming libs who feel you are somehow owed a big settlement due to the actions of NC. That’s fine, our gov’t bleeds far more money then that everyday. And the FBI has become an absolute joke. I just have a hard time understanding the infatuation with Israel being responsible for MSD. There was nothing!!! I repeat, nothing, that could have been done in regards to NC that would have prevented MSD as it relates to BSO. Of course hindsight is always 20/20. He committed no crimes. He was already getting intensive treatment from Henderson Mental Health all through high school. Punching holes in the walls of his home and shooting BB guns can’t get you arrested. Even if BSO made an arrest for any of those incidents, he never would have seen the inside of a court room. You clearly have no idea how ineffective the Broward Courts really are. Especially when it comes to juveniles. Trust me, it’s a freakin’ joke. And that was under Mike Satz. Wait until we have the first big system failure under this nobody Prior that you all elected. But I digress. NC’s behaviors, none of which were criminal, would have resulted in any sort of conviction. It certainly would not prevented him from buying a firearm. NC left Broward when he quit school and moved to Palm Beach County. Now while he was there he actually did commit a felony that should have got him locked up. Problem is, the victim waived prosecution and the case went no where. No victim, no crime. After several months he slipped back into Broward unnoticed and move in with a family that thought it was a good idea for this nuttier-than-squirrel shit NC to have guns around. At that point, he, like every other American 19 year old was legally permitted to buy a rifle. The rest is history. Even the vague threats he made online, reported to the FBI and BSO did rise to the level of a crime under the law at the time. So please explain to all of us how Scott Isreal, BSO, your mom, or anyone else could have done anything under the laws prior to 2018 to stop NC. The sad news it that a nut job like NC could walk on to just about any campus today and likely pull off the same massacre as NC. He may die at the end but after 3 minutes and 34 dead people, what difference would that make. Would it then be considered a successful law enforcement operation in your mind? All of the failures of society should not fall on the shoulders of the cops. If that is your belief, then we’re all in trouble. He is to blame. We made serious changes to the law since Feb. 2018 that would have stopped NC. Let’s hope it never happens again.
    Mostly true but partly false. If there hadn’t been an ambiguous policy on confronting the shooter, and the deputy confronted and stopped the threat, instead of hiding, the death toll could have been lower!

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