Another example of compassion for others
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  1. #1

    Another example of compassion for others

    I know you’ll cry another smear or useless post Steadman but my sister in law, that works for another agency, shared the following post which I’m only relaying. Apparently, there were credible LEO witnesses of the incident. If true, and it seems as if it is, is a disgraceful act by PBA personnel in attendance.

    “So we heard that PBA heads were mocking the staff member who was recently raped by a PBA leader at a tally steakhouse. She was offended and began screaming at the group of PBA leaders and was escorted from the restaurant.
    The leaders stayed and enjoyed their steaks, paid for by us the members, and joked about what had just occurred. So sad that in this day and age our PBA leaders act so poorly and are so indifferent to women’s rights.”


  2. #2
    I’m sorry but that is wrong on so many levels. I pray that lady sues the dog piss out of the PBAs and becomes wealthy.


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