Omg did I just hear an officer call for fire rescue regarding a 5 year old throwing up?
Oh sshnit! Have we be one so gid damn weak and scared that you'd waste an engine for that? Dang I used to vomit in kindergarten , 4th grade, 6 th grade it's the body's natural power to rid of toxins. In fact, if you vomit you're defeating what ails you. Have we reached a point that the slightest discomfort warrants the national guard 🤣🤣🤣🤣God help the USA I'm seeing this shnit in military, police, and even the CIA FBI full of weak humans 😳 wtf has happened. In my school days I just threw up and went to class, my only concern was that the custodian forced to clean it never found out it was me God damn !!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣fuccin snowflakes!!!