Freddy. Sir.. it’s been 14 days of Alpha-Bravo. Some of us haven’t had a day off in 19 days. Some of us have been at the site in all types of weather every day since. It’s time to end this Alpha-bravo. You are literally exhausting your officers the month before peak hurricane season. We have families, kids that we are neglecting. We are running thin. There’s no point of this if you are only sending 1 squad a day from each district, you can keep doing that and just rotate the squads! Supplement the road with NRU and we good. There’s more officers on the road now that on regular days, this is completely pointless. We are begging you to end this. The money isn’t worth it. Fire rescue isn’t on Alpha-bravo, HQ isn’t on Alpha-Bravo. You are killing your officers. After all the stress we’ve faced the last year, a month of Alpha-Bravo for no reason is not the way to help moral. This districts are doing nothing!!! The amount of calls have not gone up!

We know it’s a horrible situation, but now that fire switches to recovery, it’s time to end this craziness. The horse and pony show is over.