For starters mean spirited is everyone not giving this Sheriff a chance and holding his feet to the fire for all the wrong doings of the past admin! Secondly I have taken into consideration the way the past Sheriff treated us which is why I decided to join the PBA. There was nothing mean spirited about my post! It’s simply the truth of the matter. Sorry your feelings got hurt! The bottom line is don’t place blame on PBA or our New Sheriff for the past 12 years. Would you like to go to a new job and be held accountable for for everyone else’s wrong doings? Thought not. How about you take a look around and see how much better this place is. Morale is a lot better than it was. People are going out and doing there jobs! Change isn’t going to be made by coming on here and passive aggressively posting. I am not sure what your dealings have been with our new PBA president but if you’d take the time to reach out to him and express your concerns he’d be all to happy to help. Nothing will get accomplished unless we work together!
