2021 Flair cases - Page 2
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Results 11 to 13 of 13
  1. #11
    The one guy on Flair Team 1 is doing the work of 5 people.

  2. #12
    People who are worried about what peers are or are not doing, don’t have enough problems of their own.

  3. #13
    There are a lot of individuals who drifted into THI because they thought it would be a break from the road. I am convinced it’s those same lazy people that care so much about what FLAIR is or is not doing. Meanwhile 1/3 of their lot aren’t investigators, rather reporters. At least half of them write a trash report / complete very little of their Field Note Packets and won’t go to FLAIR because they can’t stand up to the review process and God forbid they get criticized a little. The lack of drive is painfully apparent. So while FLAIR can attract a lazy person or two, it is the lazy people in the district that care so much.

    Didn’t someone In This thread mention they needed help with an SVSO? …… You’re joking right? Well at least you have one thing going for you- you’re actually attempting math. Many of your peers don’t grab enough evidence to even do that.

    There are many talented people in THI, just like there are many hard workers in FLAIR. Cut the divisive crap and go do what makes you happy. If it’s not in THI or FLAIR, you know where the door is. Just make sure you are happy doing what ever it is you are doing. It’s a lot more fulfilling than dragging everyone down with your crap attitude.

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