Got this from ECSO, ironically, with Eric Haines as one of the prominent subjects of LEO AFFAIRS posts. The same thing applies here regarding Scott Haines. Although I am NOT a fan of either of those two jackasses, why devote so much time attacking them? Scott Haines is NO friend of mine, but why keep harping on him? We all know he's untouchable. One day, he will get his. But until then, we can't keep posting everytime he farts sideways or forgets to tie his shoe. It's like facebook posting shit about AOC or Nancy Pelosi when the truth it, both are complete shitheads.

Please read the following from ECSO:

"What is Obsessive Love Disorder?

Obsessing over someone compels us to do the following:

Modifying our behavior with hopes that, by doing so, we can make the other person more interested in us.

Constantly analyzing their every gesture or word toward us to assess the depth of their feelings.

Monitoring their activities.

Exerting effort to ensure that we are constantly in touch with the object of our obsession (this includes constant texts and calls, flooding their emails with our messages, and even downright stalking them).

Whoever you are, you're in need of some serious mental help. The most frightening part is the small possibility that you are actually a cop and wear a badge. The thought of someone so psychotic walking around carry a gun and given the responsibility of protecting others is scary.

Employee assistance via HR can help get you some free mental health counseling. It's 100% confidential or you can call a doctor of your choosing. You are in need of help"