To whom it may concern:

It is with great gladness that I am finally announcing my resignation from the City of Hialeah. Since I have finally gotten an opportunity to accept another job that will get me out of Communication Department my resignation will be in immediate effect. Unfortunately, this resignation is due to the hostile work environment I have been experiencing. Thankfully, I will not be coming back into work at all, but will turn in all necessary paperwork. I wish I could say I was sorry for leaving.
It probably does not come as a surprise that I am dissatisfied with my experience working for this department , but I still plan to go through the necessary processes of resignation in order to minimize inconvenience for all parties. If you need to discuss this with me, please don’t even bother to call me that I will not change my mind.
Working for Communication has been an unfortunate waste of my time and I have never been happier to leave something behind. I just hope that my next job turns out a little better and is more likely to facilitate my reaching a few long-held career goals. Thanks for all of your lack of care and understanding over the years., specially to Commander Llanes who is good for nothing.


M. Arpino