Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Anyone who says that the use of the terms as recorded and in context clearly constitutes racist behavior is being intellectually dishonest about it. This is the equivalent of locker room talk. It's trashy and unprofessional, but it's not racist. Would a white cop get skewered for it? Of course. The world's not fair, kids.

The PBA is using Delvin in the hopes of setting a precedent for discipline in the age of body cameras. Even if you're not at risk of ever dropping an N bomb on tape, you should probably hope that Delvin succeeds in keeping his job. You NEVER know what someone is going to claim is offensive or discriminatory, or what the administration, council, or public is going to want to do to the Officer who did the offending.

Too many people at this agency are looking at this as the chickens coming home to roost, and are getting way too much satisfaction out of the irony. It's true, you can't have it both ways- and if Delvin loses his job over this, that's exactly what'll be said if you find yourself fighting for your job after you're caught saying something that someone else deems offensive.
Please. It’s the N bomb it’s clear as cut a butter you’ll be fired for saying it.